Sunday, March 11, 2012

Days 79-82: The Home Stretch!

I am daydreaming about eating frozen yogurt.

I haven't acted yet, but it's getting me thinking about what my food habits will be like post 100 Days. I've got 18 to go, so I'm really in the home stretch!

Here's what's not going to change: minimal sugar. I say minimal because eating zero sugar is nearly impossible. I've already decided that Clif Bars are allowed to be my one sugar (they have organic cane sugar) of the day, because they help me out when I'm running all over to my classes and don't always have time (or the desire) to prepare food.

I'm on the fence about dairy. My body feels really good being vegan, and I don't like the idea of consuming the milk of another animal, but frozen yogurt calls to me. Maybe by the time I get to Day 101 I'll be more clear on this. Something to look into: does the plain tart froyo at Yogi Berri have sugar?

Something else I want to keep doing: Eating a VARIETY of foods. It can be very easy when you're on any kind of diet or food plan to wind up eating the same things everyday. In fact, I found myself in that kind of rut this week. So I'm starting to pay attention to the foods I eat and why I eat them: habit, or hunger?

Something I want to change: Less coffee. I do enjoy coffee...actually I really enjoy coffee. It's a sweet moment in my day when I get to just drink a warm cup of creamy coffee and not be doing anything else. But lately I've noticed my tendency to use coffee in the same way that I used to use sugar: for comfort. When I see that happening, it is a moment to ask myself what I'm really in need of, what uncomfortable feeling am I trying to avoid feeling, and can I just sit with it until it passes, as it always does. More confirmation that the food itself is not the problem, but it's my behavior of using food to numb/comfort/avoid that is the real issue.

On Day 2 of this journey, a friend said to me, "I can't wait to be there on Day 101!!!" But I don't think it's going to be the all out binge fest (although that is certainly tempting) that she was joking about. I think it's going to be just another day of me working on my relationships with food and myself, not eating what doesn't work for me and eating what does, but more importantly, being open to any changes that come my way and to life itself. Cause that's what this is all about anyway...

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