Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Day 8: Week One Review

Hello, dear readers! First, I want to give a big THANK YOU for reading! Wouldn't it be supa-fly if this blog took off and became something bigger than just me & my thoughts? I'm setting the intention....

I thought I'd do a week one review, now that I'm 8 days in.

What I'm proud of:

- Giving up processed foods and sugar!! The only sugar I've had is the evaporated cane juice that's in the little bit of soy milk I put in my coffee (yes, I do drink coffee, it's not a trigger food for me), and I did get some pumpkin soup one day at Whole Foods from the hot bar that had sugar as one of the ingredients. I also ate some granola last night with evaporated cane juice, but I didn't feel so great after eating it, so I think that's out from now on.

- Observing my thoughts without judgement. Writing this blog has been so cathartic for me, and it's really allowed me to step back and notice my thoughts for what they are: thoughts. I'm through with identifying with them, because they are not me.

- Putting myself, my happiness, and this project first. I'm no longer uncomfortable with telling people that I don't eat something or turning down food that I'm offered. I'm finding that the more open and honest I am with everyone about my new eating habits, the easier it is to really stick to them.

- I finally started cooking!! It's been really fun and I'm enjoying the process of making and eating my own food.

What I'm struggling with:

- I'm still eating a lot out of habit. Yesterday, I got home from yoga and wasn't even hungry, but ate because it felt like "time to eat." I'm working to be more mindful about this and end the emotional eating, which I know is going to take time.

- I'm still unsure about what is the appropriate amount of food I should be eating. I do watch my calories, and I have a tendency to under eat for a few days in a row, and then have a day where I eat way too much and feel gross. I'd really like to end this cycle, so if anyone has any suggestions, please share.

Also, this has nothing to do with the above lists, but: I've been having daydreams of eating peanut butter frozen yogurt from Pink Berry. Can't get it out of my head!!!!! Frozen yogurt is a food I actually feel ok about eating, it doesn't spark my negative thought patterns, so perhaps I will add it back in once these 100 Days are up. It is endlessly interesting for me to learn about which foods work for me and which don't. Just knowing makes my life easier, because then I can make choices that really honor the direction I want to head in.


  1. Woo! So proud of you! Reading this blog is really helpful. While I haven't stopped eating foods that are unhealthy (both physically and emotionally), I find myself recognizing negative thoughts and feelings, and then attempting to let them pass. So basically, please keep going! We are all on this journey with you.


  2. Thank you, Ashlie!! I'm so happy to know you are reading and I will continue to share all of my crazy thought patterns... ;)
